1. Application

You can register as a student at any time by fully filling in the online registration form. You may be asked to identify yourself at the start.

2. Registration conditions

  • Upon receipt of the registration form, the student will be notified of the registration as soon as possible.
  • Upon registration for a course/workshop or an entire programme, you will receive a confirmation and corresponding invoice by e-mail. From that moment on, your registration is final.

3. Financial conditions

The study fee is payable by you within 14 days of receipt of the invoice and at the latest before the start of the course, workshop or training.  For some courses, you will be sent the required course material in advance – after receipt of the tuition fee – no later than two weeks before the start of the course. After this course material has been sent, cancellation with a refund of the tuition fee paid is no longer possible. In consultation, the course can be followed in a lesson period to be determined or a substitute can take part in the course.

4. Cost

Kynagon reserves the right to make price changes.

5. Study period

Enrollment is for the duration of the entire study or per course for which you have registered. You may only terminate the study early in accordance with the terms of the early termination.

6. Premature termination

If you wish to terminate the training or a course early, you must inform us by  telephone or e-mail. Cancellation must always be confirmed by us in writing by e-mail! There is no refund of tuition fees already paid for the course you are currently taking. Returning course material does not affect the tuition fees due. In case of cancellation/termination, the rules as indicated under point 3 apply. In the event of the death of the student, the termination of the course will take effect immediately, the remaining payment obligation expires immediately.

7. Teaching materials

You may keep the course material for which the tuition fee has been paid, but you may not use it for anything other than your personal study. You should have the teaching material with you at the start of the course. Copyright and ownership belong to the authors and/or Kynagon.

8. Brand name

The course participant is emphatically informed that the name Kynagon is a protected brand name. Use of this name in advertisements, brochures, interviews, etc. is therefore not permitted, unless written permission has been obtained. Legal action will be taken against misuse of the brand name and infringement of the rights of the Kynagon brand.

9. Other conditions

  • Kynagon in Amstelveen reserves the right, in the event of the teacher’s illness or otherwise, to replace him/her by another teacher or to postpone the dates of the course/training. The student will be notified of this as soon as possible.
  • Kynagon in Amstelveen reserves the right to make changes to the content of course materials or the course programme.
  • Kynagon in Amstelveen accepts no liability for damage or consequential loss caused by whatever reason.
  • Participation in education and training is entirely at your own risk.
  • Kynagon in Amstelveen bears no responsibility for any injury, damage and/or theft of property in or around Kynagon.

10. Agreement on general terms and

By submitting the registration form online, you have read and agreed to the terms and conditions.

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